CSharp part2 – Using Classes and Objects

В тази тема ще представя условията и решенията от домашното по Използване на класове и обекти:



1. Write a program that reads a year from the console and checks whether it is a leap. Use DateTime.
2. Write a program that generates and prints to the console 10 random values in the range [100, 200].
3. Write a program that prints to the console which day of the week is today. Use System.DateTime.
4. Write methods that calculate the surface of a triangle by given:
­Side and an altitude to it; Three sides; Two sides and an angle between them. Use System.Math.
5. Write a method that calculates the number of workdays between today and given date, passed as parameter. Consider that workdays are all days from Monday to Friday except a fixed list of public holidays specified preliminary as array.
6. You are given a sequence of positive integer values written into a string, separated by spaces. Write a function that reads these values from given string and calculates their sum. Example:
string = “43 68 9 23 318” à result = 461
7. *Write a program that calculates the value of given arithmetical expression. The expression can contain the following elements only:
®Real numbers, e.g. 5, 18.33, 3.14159, 12.6
®Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, / (standard priorities)
®Mathematical functions: ln(x), sqrt(x), pow(x,y)
®Brackets (for changing the default priorities)
(3+5.3) * 2.7 – ln(22) / pow(2.2, -1.7) => ~ 10.6
pow(2, 3.14) * (3 – (3 * sqrt(2) – 3.2) + 1.5*0.3) =>~ 21.22
Свали решенията: BE4AA7E888E32AB67B7ACC6E4D413DA63AA51C2C_small

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